If you are interested in attending an MBA program in Europe, you might be considering London Business School, which is based in London, or INSEAD, which is based near Paris. In addition to being considered two of most reputable MBA programs in the world, London Business School (or LBS as it is often called) and … Read More
London Business School (LBS) has been posing the same core application essay question since 2015—one that largely constitutes a traditional personal statement—so the admissions committee must feel that the prompt elicits what it wants to know when evaluating candidates for the next class. However, this season, the school has added a second, albeit short, required … Read More
After a surprising absence from the 2023 Financial Times global ranking of business schools, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania was not only back on the list this year but in first place. Wharton was left out of last year’s survey due to not being able to meet the alumni response rate needed … Read More
Scotland’s Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)—known as a leader in fashion education since the 19th century—inaugurated a fashion business school in London in 2013 and soon after opened a satellite campus in New York City. Rather than focusing on the design aspect of fashion, however, the GCU British School of Fashion offers a specialized business education with applications to … Read More
Like many top MBA programs this year, London Business School (LBS) has elected to make no changes to its application essay prompts. Except for some slight variations in phrasing and allowed word count, the school has been posing these same questions since 2015, so we presume they have proved effective in providing the additional information … Read More
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