
mbaMission Admissions Director Panel: The Season Is Now Wide Open!

Register for our FREE “Your Dream MBA” Event Series Featuring CBS, Kellogg, MIT Sloan, and Yale SOM! - mbaMissionOn Thursday, May 21, mbaMission joined forces with Manhattan Prep to host an online Q&A session with admissions directors from five leading business schools: Columbia Business School (CBS), the University of Virginia Darden School of Business, the Yale School of Management, the MIT Sloan School of Management, and the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. During the discussion, each of the directors announced that application deadlines and essay questions will remain virtually unchanged for the coming (2020–2021) admissions season. Yale, Darden, MIT, and Kellogg leadership explained that they are content with the essay prompts from the past year and anticipate no major changes, encouraging applicants to get started. However, the assistant dean of admissions at CBS stated that she expected her school’s essays to be similar but noted that she may change the school’s third essay, encouraging applicants to get started on the first two. 

We recommend that you watch the full recording of the webinar below or on our YouTube channel to get the inside scoop on everything the admissions directors shared.

Although essays and deadlines dominated the early part of the session, the admissions officers inevitably discussed hot topics including deferrals, fall 2020 matriculation, and the expectations for online GMAT GRE testing. Here are a few highlights and revelations:

  • In response to the question, “What will the fall term look like?,” there was a consensus among the admissions directors that both in-person and hybrid options will be offered in an effort to provide flexibility to those who will not be able to attend classes in person.
  • Accepted candidates who may wish to defer their matriculation to the following year (2021–2022) were reminded that each institution will make deferral decisions on a case-by-case basis and were encouraged to contact the Admissions Office for more information on the various options in place for them.
  • A popular question from the event’s participants addressed the waiving of GMAT/GRE testing requirements during the current Round 3 Extended cycle and whether next year’s applicants can expect this waiver to remain in place. In short, the directors explained that though each institution will offer flexible options for test takers (such as taking the exam from home), there are no definite plans to continue waiving the testing requirements, as test centers are expected to reopen with time.

Each and every one of our panelists sounded an optimistic tone, encouraging strong candidates to continue to apply. Our thanks go out to these experienced officers who led a very exciting and insightful discussion! 

If you have any questions about your MBA candidacy in Round 3 or the upcoming application season, be sure to sign up for a free 30-minute consultation to get personalized advice from one of mbaMission’s admissions experts!

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