
Monday Morning Essay Tip: Keeping a Confident Tone

With regard to the tone of your essays, you must ensure that the admissions committees readily recognize your certainty and self-confidence. Being clear and direct about who you are and how you envision your future is vital. Consider the following basic examples:

Weak: “I now have adequate work experience and hope to pursue an MBA.”

Strong: “Through my work experience, I have gained both breadth and depth, providing me with a solid, practical foundation for pursuing my MBA.”

Weak: “I now want to pursue an MBA.”

Strong: “I am certain that now is the ideal time for me to pursue my MBA.”

Weak: “I have good quantitative skills and will succeed academically.”

Strong: “I have already mastered the quantitative skills necessary to thrive in my MBA studies.”

Weak: “With my MBA, I hope to establish myself as a leader.”

Strong: “I am certain that with my MBA, I will propel myself to the next levels of leadership.”

The key in all of these examples is the use of self-confident language—instead of “hope,” use “will;” instead of “good” skills, show “mastery.” Although you should avoid sounding arrogant, by being assertive and direct, you will inspire confidence in the reader and ensure that you make a positive impression.

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