
MBA News: WSJ Profiles Noteworthy “Dings”

A few months ago, we started our “MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed” series to help calm the nerves of applicants, who can, at times, misdirect their energy. One of our myths, “Your MBA Program is the Sole Determinant of Your Future,” was reposted by the Ivey School of Business on its Facebook page and received warm comments from several aspiring MBAs.  And, this morning, the Wall Street Journal offered anecdotal evidence in its article “Before They Were Titans, Moguls and Newsmakers, These People Were…Rejected”,  via Warren Buffett and Paul Purcell (CEO of investment bank Robert W. Baird & Co.), that it is indeed the person, not the school. Furthermore, via Scott McNealey, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, the Journal proves that the statement that “Reapplicants Should Not Reapply” is a myth as well.

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