
MBA Mission Featured in Article

At MBA Mission, our mantra is “differentiation, differentiation, differentiation.” Well, we have now been featured in an article on, alongside Wharton’s Director of Admissions, Thomas Caleel, entitled “How to Stand Out from the Herd,” exploring and emphasizing this topic in depth.

In the article, Businessweek’s Alina Dizik states, “Coming across as genuine in essays is vital. And officials agree that the main reason applicants get rejected is because the application is based on what they perceive admissions people want to hear instead of being truly authentic.”

We could not agreed more. We strive to work with each candidate to create a sincere and unique impression from the start and to harness personal stories to each candidate’s advantage. We are proud that Businessweek recognizes that our opinions on this topic are valuable and worth sharing with its readers.

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