
Long Term MBA Planning: Selecting Additional Coursework

MBA programs are far more forgiving of previous academic problems than virtually any other graduate discipline. For most, candidates’ academic experience is far in the past and their GMAT, references and work experience are better indicators of their potential for success. This is not to suggest that poor grades don’t matter; this is to suggest, however, that poor grades can be mitigated.

If your academic performance is worrisome to you, you should certainly consider enrolling in some additional coursework immediately. In particular, if you did poorly in math courses (even if your overall GPA is quite high), this will raise concerns about your ability to manage a heavily quantitative workload. Thus, you should consider a calculus, statistics or linear algebra class. Furthermore, in order to show an aptitude for management studies, you might want to consider taking an accounting, economics or corporate finance class. Needless to write, it is quite important that you get As in these courses to show not only that you have the aptitude but also that you have matured and take your academics quite seriously.

It is important to remember that additional coursework is not solely the domain of the “academically challenged.” Even those who did quite well in their undergrad classes might explore the option of taking additional coursework. Liberal Arts majors with 4.0s and no quantitative background can benefit from two As — one in a math discipline and one in a management discipline – which will enable them to make strong statements about their competencies for their coming studies.

Again, you do not want to be going to classes while writing essays and applying to a variety of schools. So, it is important that you understand what is available to you and do your utmost to get these courses done before the applications become available in July, if that is still possible in your area.

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