
June 6: Writing Standout HBS Essays (Online)

Harvard Business School (HBS) receives more than 9,000 applications each year. How will you ensure that your essays will grab the attention of an overworked HBS admissions officer? In one of our newest presentations, Writing Standout HBS Essays, we will help you conceptualize your essay ideas and understand how to execute, so that your experiences truly stand out. You don’t need to be actively working on a $5 billion deal or have won an Olympic gold medal to go to HBS. You just need to have done the everyday things remarkably well, and you must make sure that your essays reflect your actions.

mbaMission Founder/President Jeremy Shinewald will lead this session and will remain online to answer any additional questions about the HBS essays and other admissions issues of importance to you.

Date: Monday, June 6, 2011
Time: 9:30 -11:00 p.m. EST
Location: Online
Price: Free!

To register for this event, please click here.

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