
Four Key Qualities of a Successful Job Seeker

This post was written by our resident Career Coach Elissa Harris. To sign up for a free 30-minute career consultation with Elissa, please click here.

We have all been reading about how the economy is affecting job availability (especially for MBAs), and although that is true, we also need to acknowledge that jobs are still available. And regardless of the state of the economy, the core principles of job searching remain the same. This post outlines how four key qualities can make you a more successful job seeker in any job market.

Generosity (definition: the quality of being kind). In the context of a job search, generosity means giving back to others, building genuine relationships, and expressing sincere appreciation for help. 

  • Take the call. When a graduate of your undergraduate or graduate institution reaches out for advice or guidance, respond. Offer feedback on the skills required to land a specific job, make introductions, and share the graduate’s resume with a hiring manager. 
  • End every networking call by voicing your appreciation. Ask a question like “Is there anything I can do to help you?” or extend an offer like “If you think anyone in your network would benefit from my areas of expertise, please feel free to make an introduction.” Write a thank-you email after each call. 
  • Share open positions within your company on LinkedIn and with friends and others in your network. 
  • Keep your network updated. Thank your contacts for their introductions and connections. Let them know what actions you took based on their advice. 

Resilience (definition: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties). In this economy, believing in yourself is more important than ever. You will likely get a lot of “no” answers before you get a “yes.” Overcoming challenges builds adaptability, grit, and persistence. 

  • Learn from each conversation. Track feedback on what you can do better, and find ways to improve. Rejections do not mean that you are not qualified or that you will not find another opportunity of interest.
  • Focus on your transferable skills and functional expertise, not just your industry knowledge. Consider ways to secure a role in the short term that will keep you on your desired career trajectory.
  • Demonstrate comfort with ambiguity. Hiring processes can be slow. Remember that even though landing a job is your number-one priority, your hiring manager could have more pressing priorities. 
  • Give yourself time to be frustrated when an opportunity of interest does not come to fruition, but do not spend too much time dwelling on it. Find time for self-care; reenergize and celebrate mini milestones. Job searching is difficult, and you are not alone.

Curiosity (definition: a strong desire to know or learn something). Learning should not stop when you graduate from school.    

  • Develop and share your perspective on an industry of interest—including products, business models, innovations, and disruptions—and use it as a basis for networking conversations. Post about it on your LinkedIn newsfeed.
  • Take online courses to build skills or gain expertise on new technologies. Learn by following target companies on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. 
  • Ask your network for help. Brainstorm questions to use in networking meetings that will solicit robust conversations and show the depth of your passion. Seek guidance from your contacts on courses to take or websites to read.

Preparation (definition: the action or process of making ready or being made ready for use or consideration). The job market has more candidates now than in the recent past, so find ways to stand out.  

  • Set realistic role and timeline expectations. Have a Plan A and a Plan B (and even a Plan C). Craft a larger than usual target company list (approximately 25 organizations). Double (or even triple) your efforts. Do not settle for one or two networking calls a week; aim to conduct three to five every week. 
  • Focus on how you will help your target employer; check out our blog post on building career narratives. Be clear with your value proposition, and connect the dots between what you have done and the needs of your target employer.
  • Optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile. Ensure that they are tailored to your audience (using relevant keywords), and demonstrate the impact you have had in prior roles.

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