
Cornell (Johnson) Essay Analysis

1. Describe your greatest professional achievement and how you were able to add value to your organization. (400 Words)

This straightforward question creates an opportunity for you to “wow” the Admissions Committee via your professional life. You should preferably choose a recent experience and should also select one that has had an impact external to you. Many candidates make the mistake of discussing the enduring impact on themselves, likely because they have adapted this essay from another school. In this case however, the second part of the question is not “and how it has affected you”, but asks for the ramifications for your organization. By thoughtfully discussing your impact on others, you can show a level of magnanimity that Johnson will find appealing.

2. What career do you plan to pursue upon completing the MBA and why? How will the Johnson School help you achieve this goal? (400 Words)

Yet again, because of significant overlap from school to school, we offer our document on personal statements. Please email [email protected] for an electronic copy which will help you approach this essay.

3. Optional Essay

Optional essays are generally reserved for extenuating circumstances in your application. Considering how narrow the Johnson School’s essays are, we occasionally suggest that candidates add relevant information in this section. You should not just cut and paste your best essay from another school, but should consider the particular information that you need Johnson to know about you and then showcase it in a very straightforward way, essentially addressing that this information is vital.

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