
Beyond the MBA Classroom: Significant Others at Chicago Booth

When you select an MBA program, you are not just choosing your learning environment, but are also committing to becoming part of a community. Each Thursday, we offer a window into life “beyond the MBA classroom” at a top business school.

Booth Partners is an official school club that is designed to provide a social network for the partners of Chicago Booth students. During the school’s admit weekend, sessions are run by current partners to inform admitted Chicago Booth students and their significant others about life at the school, showing, said a partner with whom we spoke, “that the partner is recognized as an important part of the decision-making process.” She added, “Upon acceptance to Booth, not only does the student receive a letter, the partner does as well!”

Partners—with or without children—who move with their students to Chicago Booth can take advantage of what the group has to offer by paying a reasonable membership fee. Membership benefits include invitations to partner events, such as end-of-quarter or holiday parties, and inclusion in sub-groups, such as the Explore Chicago subcommittee, the Book and Movie subcommittee, the Wine and Dine subcommittee, and the Community Service subcommittee. The Booth Partners Web site provides information on moving to Chicago, with links to descriptions of area neighborhoods and apartment buildings as well as specific resources for international students and their significant others. In addition, the club has created a guidebook to life in Chicago that includes additional housing information as well as grocery shopping tips and other pointers.

Within the Booth Partners club is Parents of Little Ones (POLO), a resource targeting students/partners with children. Said the partner with whom we spoke, “There are lots of resources available to make everyone that is special to a Booth student feel welcomed and cared for! As a Chicago Booth Partner, I have found the Booth Partners club to be an excellent organization in which to meet new people and participate in fun, interesting activities.”

For in-depth descriptions of social and community activities at Chicago Booth and 15 other top MBA programs, check out the mbaMission Insider’s Guides.

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