Blog: Archive for the “Admissions Myths Destroyed” Category

MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: My High GMAT Score Will Get Me In

So, you have taken the GMAT and exceeded even your highest expectations, scoring at the very top of the scale. Congratulations! However, do not assume that earning such a high GMAT score means you can relax with respect to the other components of your application. Every year, applicants who have scored 750 (695–715 on the … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed GMAT

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MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: Well, I Had My Chance on the GMAT

You finally took the GMAT, and though your score was not bad, it was not what you had hoped—not your ideal score, but certainly not so low that you unquestionably need to try again. So, when you have a score that is just below where you think you should be, should you retake the test? … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed

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MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: My Months of Work Experience Will Not Count

“I had an internship from June to August of 2023. Will the admissions committee count it as work experience?” “I was running a lab during my Master’s program—is that part of my total number of months of work experience?” “I ran a small business that ultimately failed—will I get credit for my time as an … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed

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MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: Admissions Is a Science

What does a 3.8 GPA + a 670 GMAT Classic score + four years of work experience + three years of community service equal? It could equal a letter of admission or rejection. However, knowing with absolute certainty is impossible because admissions is not a science. If it were, the Admissions Office would just do away … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed

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MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: I Should Worry Because My Coworker Is Also Applying

You look around your office and think to yourself: “I wish my coworker were not applying to the same school as I am. They can’t take two people who sit at the same desk. Also, their GPA is 0.15 higher!” On the surface, this reasoning may seem logical, and it can thus cause anxiety for … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed

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