Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management: Everything You Need to Know


Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, or simply Kellogg, is a perennially top-ranked MBA program. Northwestern Kellogg prides itself on developing leaders who have a thirst for creativity and innovation, a commitment to collaboration, and an eye toward empathy. Although Kellogg is perhaps best known for its marketing expertise, such esteemed professors as Philip Kotler, and placing students into brand management roles, the top industry for the school’s 2023 graduates was actually consulting, followed by technology, financial services, and consumer packaged goods.

Located in Evanston, Illinois, just 13 miles north of downtown Chicago, Kellogg offers the best of both an intimate, student-centric college town and a big city. Kellogg’s flagship building, the Global Hub, helps facilitate a culture of teamwork and collaboration that is evident in group project requirements and the numerous student-led extracurricular activities and clubs. But do not let the top-notch technology of the Global Hub fool you; students can also find serene spots with a view of the waves of Lake Michigan to unplug for a bit.

As a midsize school, the Northwestern Kellogg MBA program seeks to support a tight-knit community feel through smaller first-year sections, interactive student experiences, and Kellogg Worldwide Exploration Student Trips (KWEST) for incoming first-year students, planned and led by second-year students and consistently named a favorite Kellogg experience. Although academics and the recruiting process are a top focus, Kellogg MBA students also make time for social endeavors, with Special K, the student variety skit show offering a satirical view of life at Kellogg, and the annual ski trip at the end of first semester often cited with fondness. Northwestern Kellogg requires you to present a strong application both professionally and personally—fortunately, mbaMission offers a depth of resources and services to help you on your journey.


Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management: Multiple MBA Options, One Core Application

Multiple specialized MBA degree options set Kellogg apart from other top-ranked business schools, including a one-year MBA program, an MMM dual degree (an MBA from Kellogg and an MS in design innovation from the Segal Design Institute), an MBAi joint degree (an MBA from Kellogg and the McCormick School of Engineering), an executive MBA (offered at two different locations, Evanston and Miami, Florida), and part-time weekend and evening options. Kellogg recognizes that some applicants desire specialized programs to better enable attainment of specific career goals or to match lifestyle requirements. Simplifying the admissions process for those interested in multiple variations of the MBA, Northwestern Kellogg now allows applicants to apply to more than one program with just one application by ranking the programs to which they are interested in applying. This unique benefit can increase the odds of being accepted to one of Kellogg’s very selective MBA programs. The requirements of each program differ, but many elements of the overall application and student experience remain consistent, as detailed by mbaMission’s thorough guides and resources, developed to aid you in your pursuit of an MBA.


Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Insider’s Guide

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Insider’s Guide

After consulting with Kellogg MBA students, admissions committee members, and alumni about their experiences, we have prepared our Insider’s Guide to Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management. We take an in-depth look at life as a Kellogg MBA student, highlighting how the school’s location, class size, curriculum, teaching methods, facilities, alumni involvement, and rankings all affect its culture and MBA experience. Then, we delve into Kellogg’s faculty and professional student clubs, revealing how they facilitate the careers of Kellogg MBA students. Through our guide, you will learn more about the spirit of collaboration and teamwork that is core to Kellogg.

In addition to academic quality and high rankings, culture is frequently named as a key reason students choose Kellogg. Clubs and extracurricular activities are often student run, allowing for ample leadership opportunities. The inclusive environment facilitates developing deep bonds with one’s classmates and learning from diverse perspectives. With international students making up 36% of the student body and women 49%, Kellogg offers a diverse MBA program and values the perspective that individuals of various backgrounds bring to lively class and team discussions. The quantitatively rigorous first-year core curriculum allows for some flexibility, with the option to waive up to seven classes with approval and the opportunity to take electives in the first year. Although Kellogg’s teaching style is neither exclusively case method nor exclusively lecture, team projects are an important part of essentially every class, simulating the reality of most business environments. Students choose one major and as many “pathways” as desired to tailor the MBA experience to their specific career goals. And you will often find Kellogg MBA alumni back at the Global Hub as guest speakers, sharing real-world case studies in the classroom and through club conferences. The sense of teamwork and comradery so pervasive in Kellogg’s culture continues long after graduation.

Dean Francesca Cornelli, an accomplished scholar and a leader in business education, joined Kellogg in August 2019. Given the prevalence of change and disruption in the current era, Dean Cornelli said her goal is “to teach people to be adaptable, to see change and to embrace opportunity.” She went on to say, “So when people ask what is the value of an MBA, I say it’s not your next job. We want to impact all your life, the entire trajectory.” The new dean also emphasized the deep-rooted strength of Kellogg’s culture, sharing that “the biggest surprise is how big and distinctive the culture is.” Learn more about Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management through our comprehensive guide, which presents eight key criteria to consider when evaluating whether Kellogg is a good fit for you.

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Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Interview Guide

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Interview Guide

Kellogg MBA interviews are typically friendly and conversational in nature, conducted by trained second-year students, alumni, or occasionally members of the admissions committee. To enable deeper conversations, Kellogg attempts to match applicants with interviewers who have similar career aspirations or history. And, uniquely, Kellogg attempts to interview all applicants, a stance that aligns with the school’s value of inclusiveness. Not surprisingly, the interviewer is interested in learning why Kellogg is a good fit for the applicant and is assessing the candidate’s cultural fit throughout the discussion while looking for indicators that the prospective student has thoroughly researched the school. Kellogg conducts its interviews using a “blind” format (versus a “comprehensive” one), meaning the interviewer will have only your resume for reference and not seen any other elements of the MBA application. Beyond general questions about career goals and why an MBA is needed to achieve them, Kellogg interviewers tend to lean on behavioral questions tied to past experiences to gain insight into your decision-making abilities and your values. For sample interview questions and insightful commentary from past students, check out our Northwestern Kellogg School of Management Interview Guide.

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Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Essay Analysis, 2024–2025

Applicants to the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University must submit two written essays. For the first, candidates are asked to provide a somewhat short, but dense, explanation of their path to and motivation for pursuing an MBA from Kellogg and their vision for their professional future. The second essay deals with an experience in which the applicant had to navigate a challenging decision. In addition, the admissions committee requires that candidates respond to three brief questions via video. Although all of Kellogg’s required submissions are on the shorter side, they cover a lot of territory, so together, they should allow you to share a good deal of information about your past, your personality, and your strengths.

In our analysis, we provide in-depth guidance on each of Kellogg’s 2024–2025 essay questions:

  • Essay 1: Intentionality is a key aspect of what makes our graduates successful Kellogg leaders. Help us understand your journey by articulating your motivations for pursuing an MBA, the specific goals you aim to achieve, and why you believe now is the right moment. Moreover, share why you feel Kellogg is best suited to serve as a catalyst for your career aspirations and what you will contribute to our community of lifelong learners during your time here. (450 words)
  • Essay 2: Kellogg leaders are primed to tackle challenges everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Describe a specific professional experience where you had to make a difficult decision. Reflecting on this experience, identify the values that guided your decision-making process and how it impacted your leadership style. (450 words)
  • Video Essays: We’ve read your essays, we’ve read your resume — now we want you to bring all that to life in a video. Show us the person behind all those carefully crafted words. The video will be comprised of three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today.

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Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Class Profile (Class of 2026)

Class Size 524
Mean GMAT 733
GMAT Range 640–780
Median GRE (Verbal) 162
Median GRE (Quant) 163
GRE Range (Verbal) 152–170
GRE Range (Quant) 149–170
Average GPA 3.7
GPA Range 2.9–4.0
Average Years of Work Experience 5
U.S. Underrepresented Minorities
(based on Federal Reporting Guidelines as advised by the Graduate Management Admission Council)
Women 50%
International 40%

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management Rankings

Northwestern Kellogg has consistently been ranked in the top ten of most popular business school surveys for many years. In the 2024 U.S. News & World Report ranking, the school was third in the country, in a tie with Chicago Booth. In the 2023 Bloomberg Businessweek ranking of U.S.-based schools, Kellogg was seventh. In the Financial Times’ 2024 evaluation of MBA programs, Kellogg was in third place domestically and sixth internationally. The 2023 Poets&Quants ranking of U.S. MBA programs placed Kellogg 12th.

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management MBA 2024 Acceptance Rate

The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University boasts an acceptance rate of approximately 28%, making it a competitive choice for aspiring MBA candidates. This prestigious program is renowned for its emphasis on collaboration, leadership, and innovation, attracting ambitious individuals from diverse backgrounds. As a prospective student, understanding the acceptance rate is crucial in gauging the level of competition and preparing a standout application that highlights your unique strengths and experiences.

For those aiming to join the ranks of Kellogg’s distinguished alumni, it’s essential to focus on crafting a compelling application that showcases not only academic excellence but also leadership potential and a commitment to making a meaningful impact. With its rigorous curriculum and vibrant community, Kellogg offers a transformative MBA experience that equips students with the skills and networks needed to excel in today’s dynamic business landscape. Emphasizing your fit with Kellogg’s values and culture can significantly enhance your chances of acceptance and set you on a path toward achieving your career aspirations.

Northwestern Kellogg MBA Application Deadlines (2024–2025)

Round 1
September 11, 2024

Round 1 Decision
December 11, 2024

Round 2
January 8, 2025

Round 2 Decision
March 26, 2025

Round 3 Decision
April 2, 2025

Round 3 Decision
May 14, 2025

mbaMission Testimonials from Kellogg MBA Applicants

Admitted to Kellogg!

I could hardly be accepted to the MMM (MBA + MS Design Innovation) at Kellogg or granted a substantial scholarship at Rotman, had it not been for the great consultancy service that Michael [Guttman] dedicated to me.

Working with Michael is a pleasure! I just started working with him from Christmas 2019 while my applications were in Round 2 (early Jan. 2020). That time was so tight and intensive that I felt anxious at first, but Michael’s advice did help me to prepare my applications much more efficiently, leaving me calm and confident.

In specific, regarding my essays, Michael helped me not only to select the best story to tell but also to wisely convey the core message in vivid yet concise language. Also, his comprehensive list of sample interview questions and the mock interview did boost my confidence a lot to ace the talks with school representatives.

Last but not least, Michael was also helpful in post-admission strategies, such as how to ask a school to extend their deposit deadline or the process of selecting which school to enroll [in].

To repeat, working with Michael is a key factor for me to be admitted to my dream school Kellogg!

Choose Melissa [Blakeslee]!

Melissa really takes time to get to know me and pushes me to think deeper throughout the process, starting from the brainstorming sessions to essay editing. Melissa is great at connecting the dots of my stories in ways I have not thought of. She provides detailed comments on where to improve and always turns around revisions sooner than the required 48 hours policy.

She is extremely friendly, energetic, and a real cheerleader—especially during the interview prep sessions. She is very encouraging and helped me a lot with building confidence in myself. Melissa made the application process much less stressful, and I would not be able to get into my dream school (Kellogg) without her. Would 100% recommend her!”

Would recommend Jen Kedrowski 100%!!

I started the MBA application process, hiring Jen as my admissions consultant almost exactly a year ago, having no idea what my final list of schools to apply to would be or where I would end up! After a year of self-reflection, countless essay drafts, and tons of anxiety in the meantime, I am so happy to be attending one of my top schools (Kellogg) in the fall!

Jen took the time to understand who I am and what I want out of an MBA program and career and helped me learn these things about myself as well. She is great at pulling the most compelling aspects of a candidate out through discovery sessions and helping weave them throughout your application to make a cohesive and compelling story. She knows this industry up and down and is very familiar with how to present an applicant in the most compelling way for each individual school. Many other consultants are very knowledgeable as well; however, what made Jen stand out from all the rest was her supportive and understanding nature. I felt like we were in this together and my success was her success. We had many long conversations about what schools would be the best fit for me versus what schools I was best qualified for as a candidate. We talked about options to improve my application and what parts of myself were most important for me to showcase.

I worked with Jen on a four-school package and ended up adding on a fifth school. Most of my schools were M7s, and I got rejected from a few, with Jen there to support me; however, my Kellogg acceptance made this whole process worth it! In the days leading up to Kellogg releasing their decisions in December 2020, I kept re-reading my application and the Kellogg website, and I realized that everything I showcased in my Kellogg application perfectly aligned with what the school was asking for in their essays and in their students’ values and attributes—I have no doubt that Jen was instrumental in me crafting an application that reflected the core values of Kellogg and made me stand out as an applicant. Admissions consultants are a big investment, one that I was nervous about, but looking back, I am confident that this investment was the key to my success!

Very Good Experience

I signed up for hourly services with Kate [Richardson] as a reapplicant to three T10 schools. Though I had friends (who went to M7 schools) help me with overall strategy and general guidance, Kate’s input was valuable in crafting a unique and coherent story across different aspects of my application. She helped me with re-analyzing my career goals while nudging me into pursuing a PT MBA, given the stage of my career. Kate was always prompt in essay edits and timely in response to my emails. She also helped me greatly with my interview prep.

In the end, working with Kate turned out to be a great decision, as I was accepted into multiple FT and PT programs, and I’m Kellogg bound this fall!

Throughout my application process, Kate was a constant source of support and guidance. She is personable, humble, and very easy to work with. I strongly recommend her to anyone who is applying to a top MBA program.
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